Our tag line is “A Conversion Rate Optimization Company”. Not that exciting but with a name like Surge Labs is doesn’t hurt to remind people what it is that we do.
Still with the New Years and a little down time over the holidays, I looked to some iconic tag lines to see if we could spice things up. Here are the top contenders in no particular order:
A Visitor is a Terrible Thing to Waste
-Formerly The United Negros College Fund’s “A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste”
Just Say Yes
-Formerly “Just Say No” Anti Drug Campaign
Just Optimize It!
– Formerly Nike’s “Just Do It!”
Got Conversions
– Formerly Milk Association of California’s “Got Milk”
Where’s the Conversion
– Formerly Wendy’s “Where’s the Beef”
Great Page, Less Exits
– Formerly Miller Lights “Great Taste, Less Filling”
We Optimize Harder
– Formerly Avis’s “We Try Harder”
Optimization. There is No Substitute
– Formerl Porsche’s “Porsche. There is No Substitute”
When You Say Optimization, You’ve Said it All
– Formerly Anhauser Busch’s “When You Say Budweiser, You Said It All”
Australian for Conversion
– Formerly Fosters “Australian for Beer”
I’m Optimizing It
– Formerly McDonald’s “I’m Loving It”
I’m having a hard time picking a winner but maybe if we could get Tom Cruise to say “Optimization. There is No Substitute” in a Risky Business sequel we could be on to something.
For now I think we’ll stick with our current tag line.
For more information on how we increase conversion rates call us at 678-951-9506, email us at info at surgelabs.com or complete our FastForm.