New Website Design Increased Conversions by 21%

A website design case study: 5421-712B

The Client

SimplyProtein is an ecommerce company that makes and sells great tasting, low sugar, high protein snacks that help you stay fuller longer.

The Business Objective

The primary business objective and end goal for this ecommerce website project was that the new website design increased conversions  and decreased abandonment rates. They also wanted the new design to be clean and easy to use, to communicate the brand promise, have messaging that targets prospects, and to feature their products prominently.

The Challenges

Of course there were many additional factors involved in doing a website redesign aside from just the look and feel of the overall site. In this case we had to clean up and simplify the design, restructure the navigation, create category page designs, product page designs and many other items.

The Site Before

Below is the website design prior to our redesign. Notice that the site is fairly clean but had a lot of distractions in the header area, navigation and in the feature area.

old site

The Site After

Below is the new home page design. The new design reduced the clutter in the header and content area, targeted the audience with imagery and messaging, and focused on better quality product photos. We also introduced the “Wellness Ambassadors” section to help increase brand trust.

new design

The Results

There were several improvements in the site performance after launching the new design. The top improvements were an increased conversion rate and a decreased abandonment rate.

Increased Conversion Rate of 21.13%

Prior to the first of September, 2015 (when the new site was launched) the average conversion rate was 1.94%. On September 6th the conversion rate jumped to 3.62% and has since leveled off at an average of 2.35% from September 7th through November 15th. That’s a 21.13% conversion rate increase.

Decreased Abandonment Rate of 10.89%

Prior to the first of September, 2015 the average abandonment rate was about 68.28%. On September 6th the abandonment rate dropped to 59.46% and then leveled off to an average of 60.89% from September 7th until November 15th. That’s a 10.89% decrease in the abandonment rate.

There are many things we learned from this new design, but here are the key take-aways…

  • Less is more – Remove as much of the visual clutter as you can.
  • Map a clear path – Create navigation that is easy for visitors to help find the products they are interested in.
  • Sensible messaging – Make sure your text and messaging makes sense to visitors. Make sure it explains the features and benefits of your product quickly and easily.
  • Brilliant imagery – Use high-quality photography for your products and supporting imagery. Don’t skimp here.
  • Add trust elements – Adding trust elements like the “Wellness Ambassadors” section helps communicate that other visitors have tried the products and like them so much they become product ambassadors.
simply protein logo